domingo, octubre 15, 2006

Las ventas en U.S. en septiembre suben un 38%

Hace unos días las predicciones eran del 20%, pero se han superado ampliamente, como se puede ver en este artículo.
La ventas de XBOX 360 aumentan con Saints Row.

Software sales rose by 29 percent to $446 million, with sales of accessories up 21 percent to $88 million. The best selling game of the month was Xbox 360 exclusive Saints Row, followed by Lego Star Wars II and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.

Me parece especialmente interesante esta parte del estudio:

Through September, NPD data shows that Xbox 360 hardware sales in the U.S. were 2.7 million units, and sales in September were in line with our 250,000 units estimate. We expect Microsoft to sell approximately 400,000 hardware units in October, between 750,000 – 1 million units in November, and between 1.5 – 2 million units December. Sell through of Xbox 360 hardware could be higher if the supply situation for the PS3 falls well short of demand, with many holiday gift givers likely substituting purchases of the 360 in place of the PS3.
Parece que los porblemas de Sony le vienen como anillo al dedo a Microsoft (como era de esperar) .

(Via Gamasutra).

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