martes, enero 02, 2007

XBOX 360 vende 2 mill y Nintendo Wii 1.8 en USA

Normalmente el puso de las ventas en las consolas se debe a los USA. Sony le da muchísima importancia, al igual que el resto de las casas de las consolas.
Por eso es relevante saber como ha ido la campaña de Navidad en ventas en los USA, este año se ha llevado el gato al agua XBOX 360 que ha vendido 2 millones, seguida muy de cerca por Wii que ha vendido 1.8 Millones... como no, PS3 solo ha vendido 750.000 y gracias, veremos si remonta o no.

Market analysts NPD have suggested that the Xbox 360 was the best-selling console in the US over Christmas - with the Nintendo Wii trailing by just 200,000 units.

According to the firm's preliminary estimates, as reported by CNBC, around 2 million Xbox 360 units were sold in North America from November up until December 25.

The figure for Nintendo Wii stood at 1.8 million units - despite the fact the console only launched in North America on November 19, and the first batch of stock sold out within hours.

Stock shortages were an even bigger problem for Sony. Around 750,000 PlayStation 3 units were sold during the same period.

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