Dell Y Android... una buena pareja
Vía: Android Phone Fans
Dell Does Video Demo Of Their Hacked Android Netbook
I don’t have to tell you about Android Netbooks. But what I would like to remind you of is a particular story about the upcoming Dell Android Netbook. Earlier this month, BSQUARE sent out a press release which they retracted soon after, claiming they had ported Flash Light to Dell Netbooks running Google Android. They jumped the gun (oops) and Dell responded with a simple “we do not make Android Netbooks”.
There stance seems to have changed a bit. As you can see in the below video, Dell Technology Strategist Doug Anson demonstrates Android running on a Dell Mini 10v netbook:
This isn’t a product offering… it is just Android hacked onto the Mini 10v - we should make that clear and Doug Anson certainly does:
I have to point out we don’t have any announced product plans with the Android Environment running on the Netbook but just wanted to show you that it is possible to port over and run and it actually runs fairly nicely.
Big props to Dell for addressing the rumors head on with an actual VIDEO illustrating what was suggested in the BSQUARE Press Release mishap. Seeing how willing they are to play with Android and demonstrate it, you would have to think something will come down the pike in the not TOO distant future, but we’d happily hold out until Google launched a full Android Office/Docs Suite for our netbook lovin selves.
[Via Dell - Thanks Ricky!]
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